Star Trek: Elite Force II, HaZardModding Coop Mod Install guide

HZM Coop Mod Install Guide on yt Installations Guide on YouTube

This installation guide was created by Wilverine, showing how to download and install STEF2 from step by step first.

Then how to download and install the HaZardModding Coop Mod for Star Trek: Elite Force II.

It also shows you how to select and start a Coop Mission from the in-game Menu.

Star Trek: Elite Force II, HZM Coop Mod - Opinions

HZM Coop Mod Install Guide on yt Comparison Clip on twitch

High praise from the Retro Streamer Gallitep on twitch.

Gallitep is comparing the HaZardModding Coop Mod for Star Trek: Elite Force II with two other popular Coop Mods:

Synergy for Half Life 2 and Sven Coop for Half Life.

Star Trek: Elite Force II, HaZardModding Coop Mod - Interviews

Community Interview video What is Elite Force 2 on yt What is Star Trek: Elite Force 2?

Star Trek: Elite Force II, HaZardModding Coop Mod - Streams

Elite Force II Coop with Gallitep on yt

Twitch Stream recording on YouTube:

Gallitep Elite Force II Coop - longplay 1/2





Elite Force II Coop with Gallitep on yt

Twitch Stream recording on YouTube:

Gallitep Elite Force II Coop - longplay 2/2





Medal of Honor: Allied Assault War Chest, HaZardModding Coop Mod - Gameplay footage

Short Coop Session recording.

More coming soon...

Star Trek: Elite Force II, various Help videos

Fix floating Guide on yt Floating Fix Guide on YouTube

This video shows how to fix the very low descent or floating issue on Mission 6, on the Enterprise Exterior.

This is a Physics bug of the game that is tied directly to the FPS, so the console command com_maxfps 75 can fix this issue. For most users activating V-Sync or Monitor Synchronization in the Video Menus under Advanced will fix this issue as well.

Full HD, 2K, 4K Screen Resolution Guide on yt Custom Resolution Guide on YouTube

This video shows how to set a Custom Screen Resolution, like Full HD, 2K or 4K or any other resolution you are using.

When the game was released in 2003 the modern Screen Resolutions didn't exist yet, so they are not listen in the game menu.

However, via console commands you can set any Screenresolution you desire.

Fix Windows Scaling Guide on yt Scaling Fix Guide on YouTube

This video shows how to fix the game being scaled like other applications, by Windows if you have scaling enabled.

This fix will work for any application or game that might appear too big or look overscaled on your screen.

This Windows feature was designed to help with small font and application sizes, it does however not differenciate games from other applications.

Fix OpenGL Guide on yt OpenGL Fix Guide on YouTube

This video shows how to fix the OpenGL Error when changing the game to a resolution that is not supported by your hardware.

This can happen by selecting the wrong screen resolution from the Game menu or by entering an invalid screen resolution.

This happens when mixing up the width and height values, which happens quite frequently by accident.

Fix in-game Server Browser List Guide on yt Fix Server List Guide on YouTube

This video shows how to fix the in-game Server List Browser, which is broken only because the official Master Server can no longer be reached.

The Community has a replacement Master Server, a software created by the community can be used to fix this issue.

The Software basically redirects the game to contact the Community Master Server instead of the official Activision Master Server.

Fix mouse Guide on yt Fix mouse Guide on YouTube

This video shows how to fix issues with a misbehaving, laggy, spongy or not functioning mouse inside the game.

There can be various reasons for this issue, they range from driver issues to software incompatibilities.

You can however change the way the game retrieves the mouse input, this usually fixes any issues you are having.

Install map and modifications guide on yt Install map and modifications guide on YouTube

This video shows how to install map and modifications to the game and how to load them.

There are many Community map and modifications that offer additional free content for the game many of them are quite worth playing.

If you don't want to figure out everything for yourself, watch this general guide video to give you a quick introduction.